TruSculpt ID

Introducing TruSculpt ID

The power of RF.

TruSculpt ID uses innovative Monopolar RF technology to selectively target fat and therapeutically heat it – until fat cells are eliminated by passing through the body naturally.  On average, 24% fat reduction is achieved in just one treatment.

More wide ranging. Lower impact. Fewer treatments.

Many fat-reduction procedures require several applications and can only target certain areas of the body. This procedure is different, highly versatile and effective to treat a wide range of patients who may not be a candidate for other contouring procedures due to treatment location, skin type, fat thickness and presence of skin laxity. A TruSculpt ID treatment has minimal discomfort and has been compared to a hot stone massage. There is no visible downtime after the procedure and normal activity can be resumed immediately.


How does TruSculpt ID work?

TruSculpt ID destroys the fat that, despite your best efforts, is resistant to diet and exercise.

It works by heating fat cells using monopolar radiofrequency until they die off and can be naturally eliminated by your body. Current patient data shows an average of 24-percent fat reduction after just one treatment. You can see results right away, with the full impact of the treatment showing by the 12-week mark.

TruSculpt ID Experience and Results

The TruSculpt ID procedure is a pleasant, relaxing experience. Since it’s nonsurgical, the process is completely free of anaesthetics or incisions. Most people describe the treatment as being like “a hot stone massage” — and while a little redness and sensitivity post-treatment are normal, you can jump right back into your normal routine, including exercise, immediately after you leave the doctor’s office.

After you and your doctor determine the exact treatment area, a specially designed TruScult ID handsfree belt will be wrapped around your abdomen and a soothing gel will be applied to your skin. For smaller treatment areas, a trained TruSculpt ID technician will glide the handheld TruSculpt ID device over the treatment area, gently delivering virtually painless RF pulses to the treatment area. Treatments take about 15 min or less, so sit back and take it easy as truSculpt takes care of you.

As for the results, they can speak for themselves and in many cases results are immediate but full impact from treatments are visible within a 12 week period.

Trusculpt ID-01

An Example of TruSculpt ID treatment

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